Thursday, February 21, 2013

Meaning for Men

Simple, when the women in a man's life consistently release the joy and thus the wonderful fragrance of their heart toward their man, this produces a deep sense of purposeful meaning in the man's life and living. When the women withhold the release of joy due to fear it causes the man to doubt that his sacrifice was worth it and he pulls away from the battle lines of life.

A woman is wonderfully and horribly exposed when she opens up her heart and soul to release the joy. If she has known the protection of fathers and men in her life, it will be easy for her to boldly and with great confidence release the joy in front of her husband. This intoxicates the man and centers him on that female.When a good-hearted man has received the celebration of his wife's releasing of the joy, it is like drinking a pure heart wine. He will not be tempted by some woman offering dirty water to drink when he has heart rose wine at home.

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