Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Thank you Gabi

I just received my doctorate from Dallas Seminary.

Thank you to Gabi, my beautiful bride of 33 years.

You deserve the PhT degree (Put Hubby Through)

I would award you with a beautiful watch. It took time, time away from you and the kids. A little time here and there I was away even though I may have been present in the house, my attention was at school.

I would give you a gold bar to remind you of the extra weight and responsibility that you carried while I pursued this degree. You had to broaden your shoulders and helped me carry what I normally carry alone. And you did this while being a mother, a wife and working full time. Wow, thank you!

I would also give you a beautiful basket of fruit to say thank you for your great attitude through the trials and tribulations of pursuing this education milestone. The fruit resembles the fruit of the Holy Spirit and your attitude that you kept holy and pure during the whole time.

Thank you.

I love you and will spend the rest of my life saying thank you!!!

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